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by White House Chef Sam Kass
Keeping children interested and motivated to be physically active can be a challenge. Working with Hmong International Academy and Minneapolis Public Schools’ Culinary & Nutrition Services, BALL will host a “Every Day is a Fruity Day” Campaign targeting pre K – 3rd graders. The mission of the Campaign is to use the educational power of multimedia to help children learn about nutrition and wellness. The Campaign seamlessly integrates various fun lesson plans that address children’s critical developmental needs around nutrition education with an exciting multi-media approach.
The Campaign encourages more fruits and veggies consumptions among young children, while using animated fruit characters to inspire children’s interests, to learn in a fun way about nutrition. Additionally, the Campaign helps Limited English Proficiency (LEP) parents become more knowledgeable about nutrition, in order to better help their children to make healthy choices every day.
Developed by Asian Media Access’ Youth Media Force team, the Campaign has 14 attractive fruit cartoon characters from each Fruit Color category:
- Blue: Blueberry – Blue Fruits help children’s minds/memories and can help protect children from cancer
- Brown: Pear – Brown Fruits are full of antioxidants and can help children’s hearts.
- Green: Green Grapes, Kiwi – Because Green Fruits are good for children’s whole bodies, especially children’s eyes and nails. They also help keep children from getting sick.
- Orange: Carrot – Orange Fruits have lots of Vitamin C can help keep children away from sickness, and get children better faster if children do get sick. And Vitamin A is good for children’s skin and eyes.
- Purple: Egg Plant – Purple Fruits contain flavonoids that fight heart diseases and cancer. Purple foods also help children’s memories.
- Red: Apple, Beet, Red Pepper, Strawberry, Watermelon – Red Fruits can protect children’s hearts, can also help children’s brains!
- White: Banana, Onion – White Fruits are good for children’s heart and veins. Some white foods can help protect children from cancer and others make children’s bones strong.
- Yellow: Pineapple – Because Yellow Fruits are packed with antioxidants, which help to protect children’s cells, hearts, and immune systems.
The BALL’s “14 Fruit Characters” kit is designed to help child’s imagination as they participate in physical activities more. Tailored for K to 3rd graders on the STREET and SCHOOL about Physical Active and Nutrition. These Fruit characters will be placed into School Cafeteria Posters; “I tried it” Stickers; Children Coloring Books; Life-size Interactive Cut-Outs; Sticky Footprints forming the fun pathway leading to the Salad Bar; and Community Presentations with Life-size Fruit Characters, in order to provide entertainment that is exciting and educational, and to encourage children to eat all colored fruits, and be active daily.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]