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Campaign Materials

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Riding on Super Bowl 52 to encourage fans and Northside residents to become more involved in Winter Sports

Amidst the hubbub surrounding the Super Bowl and the affiliated festivities of the last month, from the zip line that stretched across the Mississippi in the Central Riverfront Regional Park, to the Great Northern Festival events at Wirth Park and Lake Nokomis, to the newly redesigned Nicollet Mall and the Commons adjacent to the Stadium, City of Minneapolis has created a successful legacy event.

Asian Media Access has collaborated with area arts/community agencies and businesses at North Minneapolis has also designed the “Northside Spectacular,” to invite all Super Bowl fans to stop by at Northside with diverse tour spots, wintery sports and soul food activities. And we hope the fans would notice many Northsiders, we embrace winter as a reason to be outside, not something to avoid, and we can also spot the outsiders with their brand new winter coats and fashion boots.

AMA has seen a great opportunity to highlight the winter sports in Minneapolis, with our
“Northside Spectacular,” which is a 2-days on-going bus tour at Feb 2nd – Feb 3rd to feature North Minneapolis treasures. People can hop on and off for tour sites and check out winter sport activities at the YMCA, North Commons and Theodore Wirth Park – highlighting our world-class park system as the common thread connecting it all and defining Minneapolis as “A city within A park.”

Besides, parks and the public realm, our tour has also highlighted the authentic local experience with touring attractions along the two most prominent local streets – Broadway Avenue and Plymouth Avenue, with histories, arts, cultures and winter sports. North Minneapolis has its proud history, as always being the first stop for immigrants since 1890. Now more than 75% of “Northside” residents are people of color, sharing diverse cultures and customs together. The Grammy-award winning musician Prince performed his first show in 1979 at the Capri Theater on West Broadway. It is also home to the KMOJ Radio, which was created in 1976 to provide broadcast communications training for people of color living in the Twin Cities. The station call letters were inspired by the Swahili word “umoja,” which means “unity.”

As one of the stops along Plymouth Ave., Asian Media Access has featured diverse events to celebrate the Lunar New Year, such as: Tea Ceremony and Asian Cultural Exercise Try-outs. Part of the effort, AMA tried to highlight – is our “Bicultural Active Living Lifestyle (BALL)” Campaign that we have been engaged with the Northside communities since late 2014 with REACH funding. We have used various strategies, such as: cultural exercises, joint use agreement, and complete street, etc., to encourage the residents to exercise more. Super Bowl 52 has provided a great opportunity to inspire residents for physical activities and being 2 miles from Minneapolis Super Bowl Stadium, Northside had enjoyed a spill-over effect.

Although research data has shown limited or had no direct impact on physical activity or sports participation among children after major big games, such as just closed Winter Olympic. But lack of evidence of a direct public health benefit does not mean lack of influence. Through this Super Bowl experience, we have experienced other downstream effects beyond infrastructural legacies. Improved traffic safety for example may reduce road crashes, and improved area housing has well-known health benefits, along with other improved health protection measurements, such as: food hygiene, improved surveillance and reporting systems to enhanced the public health service.

Similarly, we see huge gains in public self-confidence and city-wide health well-being, particularly for Northsiders. After the “Northside Spectacular,” many share the feeling of empowerment, and neighborhood expression of care which are the true benefits after the Super Bowl event and most importantly, they are sustainable and grounded at the neighborhood level. Overall, we experience a powerful advocacy of sport’s inherent social benefits that allowing people from all backgrounds to come together and join in positive activity, and inspire our young people being active and healthy.

Super Bowl is a grand excuse to celebrate the amazing places we share that make Minneapolis unique among American cities.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][image src=”3463″ alt=”Science Museum 2018″ href=”” title=”Science Museum 2018″ info_content=”” lightbox_caption=”” id=”” class=”” style=””][vc_separator color=”custom” accent_color=”#4f6a35″][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” el_class=”ball-cam” css=”.vc_custom_1520547307102{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]

March BALL Announcements:


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1. Improving Plymouth Ave through Human Design Thinking

Since October 2017, Asian Media Access; as well as, other organizations and individuals participated in the Human Design Thinking Team that was hosted by Pillsbury United and facilitated by Greater Good Studio from Chicago, to improve Penn and Plymouth Corridor with complete street strategies.

The team focused on how can we as a “Team” improve the Plymouth Ave Corridor using Human Design Thinking? Human Design Thinking is based on Communities coming together and designing a concept that will help solve an “issue”. In this case, how can improving Plymouth Ave benefit the families and business’ on the corridor?

AMA has brought to the table few Complete Street strategies to improve the Corridor.

From a Bi-cultural Active Living Lifestyle perspective, AMA has led the team conceptualized a Northside Shuttle and Teen Center. The concept of the Northside Shuttle came about because it was a challenge to get from UROC to the University and to be able to have residents go to the campus for classes and other activities. The shuttle would give U of M employees and students an easier way to come to the Northside. From a complete street perspective, this public transportation ideas create an equitable solutions for the “challenge.”

The teen center concept came about because at the area there was no place for teens to “just hang out at a safe center.” During the research phase, we found such for teens to have their own space and can learn to work together through the process. We conceptualized it as a space for employment training, technology training and a way to connect teens in a safe environment.

Through the direction of Greater Good Studio and the 3 labs, the team was able to come up with concepts that were made into prototypes. We also invited the community members to join our sessions to have a voice about each of the prototypes.

Such Human Design Thinking has brought in diverse perspectives, and deeper the discussion with all Northsiders.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_separator color=”custom” accent_color=”#4f6a35″]

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2. Successful Outreach Effort at Minneapolis City-wide Community Connection Conference

Asian Media Access attended the Community Connections Conference to promote our “Bicultural Active Living Lifestyle (BALL),” this event was held February 10, 2018 at the Minneapolis Convention Center. The 3 themes – Aspire, Collaborate, Transform seemed to permeate the air. The day brought together 110 exhibitors and 690 community members to show case the communities’ diversity of people, values and resources.

The exhibitors varied from reminding participants to vote and the importance of voting to having a local artist draw as a scroll the historical racial tensions and disparities in Minneapolis. This scroll captured the progress and the progress we still need to make as community members move towards equity.

AMA was able to display their Bi-cultural Active Living Lifestyle (BALL) Banner and attract participants to discuss how BALL could benefit the community. The participants and vendors signed up for the BALL eNewsletter. As they were signing up, AMA was able to talk about exercise and healthy eating and transit way and how each played a part in their community and how BALL intertwined all these concepts to help the community stay healthier. We were also able to not only distribute BALL brochures to the participants but to all the vendors.

The newly elected mayor of Minneapolis, Mayor Frey and City Council members, ended the day facilitating dialogue about 2018 priorities of the community.

Overall, the conference successfully aspires, collaborates and moves towards positive social transformation. Asian Media Access is looking forward to develop more partnerships with the City and the Community, to promote BALL at all levels!!![/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_gallery interval=”10″ images=”3467,3468,3469,3470,3471″ img_size=”full” title=”Finding creative way to engage the communities from a Bicultural Perspective”][vc_separator color=”custom” accent_color=”#4f6a35″]

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3. Minnesota Department of Health Youth Tobacco Survey

BALL is working with the Tobacco Free Communities initiative, which is comprised of a diverse cross-section of community organizations and institutions, to support their efforts and disseminate their findings. Month after month, BALL is learning more about what it means to be a Tobacco Free Community and we are pleased to have the opportunity to share with you.

An important part of any initiative is to have a baseline upon which to improve. Lucky for us, the Minnesota Department of Health has been conducting Minnesota Youth Tobacco Surveys since 2000. 2017’s Minnesota Youth Tobacco Survey results can be found by following the link here!

2017 Minnesota Youth Tobacco Survey Report[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_separator color=”custom” accent_color=”#4f6a35″]

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4. Want to make a difference in neighborhood air quality?

Locally, poor air quality affects Minnesotans by triggering a range of health problems, from itchy throats to asthma attacks. It also contributes to smog and acid rain, leading to the contamination of water bodies. That’s why the University of Minnesota’s Minnesota Technical Assistance Program (MnTAP) is teaming up with UROC, and the West Broadway Business and Area Coalition, to work with businesses in North Minneapolis to reduce hazardous air pollutants and chemicals, increase worker safety, and improve the air.

Last summer, an intern from MnTAP worked with auto shops in South Minneapolis’ Phillips Communities to promote adoption of less toxic, lower-emission degreasing solvents, which are commonly used to clean or degrease machinery and automotive parts. This project reduced air emissions by approximately 3000 lbs per year!

This spring and summer, MnTAP will be working in North Minneapolis with local auto repair shops and other businesses to identify the safest products available that still get the job done. Shops interested in taking advantage of this opportunity receive a free assessment of their current products, samples for testing safer products, and if they choose to make a change, some free product to get started (while supplies last).

Choosing safer products is not easy. The major challenge is finding safer products since many look similar, but contain different ingredients with a wide range of impacts on health and the environment. Here are some easy tips to choose safer products:

  • Look for products that say: Non-Chlorinated & Low VOC, 50 State Compliant, or Non-Chlorinated.
  • Stay away from chlorinated or non-flammable brake cleaners.
  • Find products that can be sold in bulk and invest in refillable cans.

If you are an owner/employee of an auto repair shop or other business that uses cleaners and degreasers, or have a recommendation for your favorite auto repair shop, please call Michelle Gage at 612-624-4619, now through June 2018.

Interested in learning more about no-cost ways to save money through energy, water and waste reduction? Visit Minnesota Technical Assistance Program’s website at or give us a call 612-624-1300.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row]