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Campaign Materials

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Tales From the Garden #22

By Ange Hwang

In honor of May Pan Asian Heritage Month, Pan Asian Arts Alliance (PAAA) with Asian Media Access (AMA) held its 6th Annual Pan Asian Arts Festival on Saturday, May 20, 2017, from Noon to 8:00pm at the Mall of America.

The festival is to foster collaboration among Asian American & Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) performing arts/cultural groups and expose more cultural and arts activities during May Pan Asian Heritage Month with Pan Asian arts/cultural demonstrations free of charge, to support the communities with better access to diverse Pan Asian Arts/Customs and Cultures. While promoting a sense of unity, this festival had celebrated the rich cultural diversity within the vibrant local AAPI community with the Public.

With beautiful lanterns hanged all over the MOA’s rotunda, Vietnamese Lion Dance has kicked off the 6th annual Pan Asian Arts Festival. During the Festival, 43 enthusiastic groups demonstrated various Asian performing arts including Asian Indian, Cambodian, Chinese, Hmong, Indonesia, Japanese, K-pop, Miao, Thai and other multicultural groups to celebrate the Pan Asian Heritage month. Over 2,000 people gathered to catch a glimpse of the collections of performances as well as enjoyed the different arts and crafts, carnival games, and educational enrichment from the Pan Asian community. Activities included cherry flower making, henna tattoo, Asian games, and other related Asian activities that the attendees enjoyed very much.

AMA collected more than 150+ evaluation forms, many attendees commented that the event was amazing and the various cultural performances were spectacular. Audiences’ favors were the Hmong and Thai Fashion Shows. The excitement of a fashion show electrified the MOA with cheers and claps, not only audiences enjoy the procession of cutting-edge ensembles, the show helps to educate them about the traditional costume with unique fabrications and patterns. Both Fashion shows have added many modern elements to showcase the diverse tribes and cultural fusion at America.

This unique project is sponsored by Asian Media Access, Bicultural Healthy Living Lifestyle (BALL), Mall Of America, Metropolitan Regional Arts Council (MRAC), Pan Asian Arts Alliance, and Target Foundation. Saint Paul Star Program, with a Special Thanks to all our supporters. volunteers and performers: All Target volunteer team, ENRG, Asian Media Access Youths, Legacy Performing Arts, Wattanak Dance Troupe, Tub Ntxhais Tshai Lij, Mai Se Yang, Siengkao Lao Dance team, Tu Vien Tay Phoung Team, The Ragamala School, Eternal Beauty, StarLites, Maithri Youktha, Sneha’s Indian Classical Dance, Park Center Senior High – K-INFIRES, Victorial Bliayang, AKC, Cre.tur Crew, Shallee, Teenfinite-HS, Minnesota Kpop Dance Crew, Fina Vang, Deuces, PLC hip hop team, Zephoria, A.K.A.Crew, Nriyya Kalakshetra Academy, RGK Dance Academy, Andover High School, Cha Her, Golden Sparklers, Kiwi’s daughter Fashion Show, Cha Da Thai Classical Dance, Pa Vang, PiXie, Mariya Ya, Archana Balasubramanian, Victoria, MC12, Kalakriti School of Arts, Dao Lan Dance Studio – Mulan Dancers, Natyaprabha Dance Academy, Andover High School Twin Cities Tamil Association – Meenakshi Natyalaya, CSAM collaboration with M3C, China Star dance team, Shooting Stars, Dancing Divas, Thalam etc. We like thank all our supporters, volunteers and performers for such successful Festival.

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BALL Announcements

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1. Community Focus on Osseo Health & Wellness Policy

On May 22, 2017, Asian Media Access attended a Community Focus Group hosted by the African Immigrant Services (AIS) regarding the Osseo Wellness Policy that will be proposed to the School Board.
The Policy 533 Wellness policy is to support all students with knowledge that cultivated life-long personal wellness, through promoting nutritional habits, physical activity, and social-emotional development. This support is fulfilled through ongoing engagement with the community, while building on applicable minimum local, state, and federal standards.
The overarching goal of this policy is to make sure that the youth are educated on healthy food choices and the importance of physical activity incorporated into their lives. As well as, educating the parents or guardians on healthy food choices and how to add physical activities in their lives.
The event was attended by about 60 community members from parents, students and community leaders. It was a time to voice concerns and raise questions about the policy. One of the main concern is how healthy is the school food and how can we incorporate culturally specific foods on the menu.
Since B.A.L.L focuses on healthy eating and cultural activity as a part of healthy living, Asian Media Access will be collaborating with African Immigrant Services to see if incorporating the B.A.L.L philosophy could work with this initiative.
If you want to know more about AIS here is the website: and if you are interested in learning more about the policy here is the website:

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2. Heat Illnesses Can be Fatal; Would You Know What to Do?

Did you know your body is constantly in a struggle to disperse the heat it produces? Most of the time, you’re hardly aware of it – unless your body is exposed to more heat than it can handle.
In 2014, 244 people died in the U.S. from exposure to excessive heat, according to Injury Facts 2017, the annual statistical report on unintentional injuries produced by the National Safety Council. Heat-related illnesses can escalate rapidly, leading to delirium, organ damage and even death.
There are several heat-related illnesses, including heatstroke (the most severe), heat exhaustion and heat cramps. Those most at risk include:
• Infants and young children
• Elderly people
• Pets
• Individuals with heart or circulatory problems or other long-term illness
• People who work outdoors
• Athletes and people who like to exercise – especially beginners
• Individuals taking medications that alter sweat production
• Alcoholics and drug abusers


Heatstroke can occur when the ability to sweat fails and body temperature rises quickly. The brain and vital organs are effectively “cooked” as body temperature rises to a dangerous level in a matter of minutes. Heatstroke is often fatal, and those who do survive may have permanent damage to their organs.
Someone experiencing heatstroke will have extremely hot skin, and an altered mental state, ranging from slight confusion to coma. Seizures also can result. Ridding the body of excess heat is crucial for survival.
• Move the person into a half-sitting position in the shade
• Call for emergency medical help immediately
• If humidity is below 75%, spray the victim with water and fan them vigorously; if humidity is above 75%, apply ice to neck, armpits or groin
• Do not give aspirin or acetaminophen
• Do not give the victim anything to drink

Heat Exhaustion

When the body loses an excessive amount of salt and water, heat exhaustion can set in. People who work outdoors and athletes are particularly susceptible.
Symptoms are similar to those of the flu and can include severe thirst, fatigue, headache, nausea, vomiting and, sometimes, diarrhea. Other symptoms include profuse sweating, clammy or pale skin, dizziness, rapid pulse and normal or slightly elevated body temperature.
Uncontrolled heat exhaustion can evolve into heatstroke, so make sure to treat the victim quickly.
• Move them to a shaded or air-conditioned area
• Give them water or other cool, nonalcoholic beverages
• Apply wet towels or having them take a cool shower

Heat cramps

Heat cramps are muscle spasms that usually affect the legs or abdominal muscles, often after physical activity. Excessive sweating reduces salt levels in the body, which can result in heat cramps.
Workers or athletes with pain or spasms in the abdomen, arms or legs should not return to work for a few hours. Instead:
• Sit or lie down in the shade.
• Drink cool water or a sports drink.
• Stretch affected muscles.
• Seek medical attention if you have heart problems or if the cramps don’t get better in an hour.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers more information on heat-related illness in this FAQ.
The best way to avoid a heat-related illness is to limit exposure outdoors during hot days. Air conditioning is the best way to cool off, according to the CDC. Also:
• Drink more liquid than you think you need and avoid alcohol
• Wear loose, lightweight clothing and a hat
• Replace salt lost from sweating by drinking fruit juice or sports drinks
• Avoid spending time outdoors during the hottest part of the day, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
• Wear sunscreen; sunburn affects the body’s ability to cool itself
• Pace yourself when you run or otherwise exert your body

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