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Campaign Materials

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Tales From the Garden #15

Somali Bicultural Healthy Living
By Maya Park

In a series of articles, we are exploring the importance of culture when it comes to health care from the lens of the Somali, Hmong, African-American, Hispanic, and Native cultures: bi-cultural perspectives to inform current medical practice. We begin with the Somali culture, whose government was officially recognized by the US in 2013, and whose people first began immigrating to the Twin Cities in the 1980’s. Many arrived in the US during the early 1990’s, after the start of their civil war. Somalia is a long, narrow country on the east coast of Africa. Most of Somalia is hot and arid, and experiences drought when rainfall is less than normal. About 60 percent of Somalia’s people were nomadic or semi-nomadic herders. The rest were farmers or…Continue Reading

! READ The Somali Bi-Cultural Healthy Living FACT SHEET !
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BALL Announcements

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1. MN Healthcare Video Project Update

As a grant recipient from the Minnesota Department of Health, Asian Media Access and our Youth Media Force have been hard at work interviewing Limited English Proficient Speakers from the community to capture their perspectives in respect to the subject of health. We have been asking Somali, Hispanic, Hmong, and Dakota community members 3 questions to gain insight into their cultural health practices and are working on a video series to highlight their views. Verbatim, these are the 3 questions we have asked:

– How is your culture and family contributing positively to your health?

– What can you and your doctor do to improve your health?

– How do you see the overall healthcare system in MN?

It is our aim to shine a little light on those who don’t always have the opportunity to be heard, on those who are growing in population year after year and need to let it be known to the healthcare community what are their needs, because cultural practices vary and we need to be both mindful and sensitive to culture when we approach healthcare. This project is wrapping up in the coming months and we will not only be participating in an event aimed at the healthcare community, but we will also be continuing to disseminate our findings to Minneapolis through future newsletters, website features, and where appropriate, at events. We hope through this project that the community and the healthcare system can more deeply engage in a conversation which ultimately results in greater cultural awareness and culturally sensitive healthcare practices.

Stay tuned![/vc_column_text][mk_image src=”×683.jpg” image_width=”1024″ image_height=”683″ crop=”true” svg=”false” lightbox=”true” frame_style=”simple” target=”_self” title=”AMA YMF MN Healthcare” caption_location=”inside-image” align=”left” margin_bottom=”10″][vc_column_text title=”” disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″ animation=”” el_class=”ball-cam”]

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2. An Unforgettable Summer Night at Asian Media Access’ Block Party

Balloons, popcorn, music, and dance made for a fun-filled block party outside of AMA’s headquarters on July 28, from 7 to 10pm. Joined by Homewood Studios and Plymouth Arts Studio, once again AMA opened its doors during FLOW Plymouth to celebrate ARTS along Plymouth Ave. Many neighbors came out to greet us, and watched amazing multicultural shows. The new superintendent of Minneapolis Public Schools, Ed Graff, also joined in, along with many supportive police officers to block Plymouth Ave. for us. We could not have had so much fun without all our marvelous staff, interns, volunteers, and youth help. Mark your calendar for next year’s block party on 7/27/2017.
Find more photos at AMA’s Flickr site –
[/vc_column_text][mk_image src=”×864.jpg” image_width=”1296″ image_height=”864″ crop=”true” svg=”false” lightbox=”true” frame_style=”simple” target=”_self” title=”Thanks for joining us for the FLOW festival at Asian Media Access” caption_location=”inside-image” align=”left” margin_bottom=”10″][mk_image src=”×1296.jpg” image_width=”968″ image_height=”1296″ crop=”true” svg=”false” lightbox=”true” frame_style=”simple” target=”_self” title=”Thanks for joining us for the FLOW festival at Asian Media Access” caption_location=”inside-image” align=”left” margin_bottom=”10″][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″ el_class=”ball-cam”]

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3. BALL Youth produced PSA Videos

AMA’s Step Up interns are currently working on their first Bicultural Health PSA video. They have been taught the basics of idea generation, story telling, and script writing. They have been demonstrated the process of making a film and the importance of teamwork in each of their role throughout the production. They were encouraged to generate creative ideas for the Health PSAs.

Interns have enthusiastically draft their 1st screen play by utilizing a website called Celtx. In this website the students were able to type out their student ideas and express it in a visual way for them to re-read and re-imagine. So far, they have written about a 2 to 3 pages screen play about the topic and subject they are interested in to promote the Bicultural Healthy Living. Additionally, Interns have shared their scripts for peer review through Celtx. Each of them received valuable ideas and suggestions from their peers.

As proceeding into the production stage, interns will film as a Team, so collaboratively they will select few scripts to make into PSA videos. Please check out AMA’s youtube channel for updates with their creative works.[mk_image src=”×576.jpg” image_width=”1024″ image_height=”576″ crop=”true” svg=”false” lightbox=”true” frame_style=”simple” target=”_self” title=”STEP-UP Interns Working on Their PSAs” caption_location=”inside-image” align=”left” margin_bottom=”10″ margin_top=”10″][mk_image src=”×576.jpg” image_width=”1024″ image_height=”576″ crop=”true” svg=”false” lightbox=”true” frame_style=”simple” target=”_self” title=”STEP-UP Interns Working on Their PSAs” caption_location=”inside-image” align=”left” margin_bottom=”10″ margin_top=”10″]

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4. STEP-UP Weekly Theme: Recycling Week

Recycling Week presented a tour of the Hennepin County Recycling Center and Transfer Station in Brooklyn Park at 10am on July 19, 2016. Some of their services consist of Household Hazardous, Landfills & Transfer Stations, Recycling Drop-off Centers, and Specialized Recycling Services.
Touring the plant gave the Step Up Interns more awareness of what is recyclable, composting, how it can be good to the earth and how to promote recycling within their family, friends and schools. Their website has some blogs with great tips and tricks such as Earth Day may come once a year but we can live Earth Day everyday. Here is the link:
Chris Stubbs, Facility Manager, was gracious enough to facilitate the tour. His presentation to the interns showed them the process of recycling and how long it takes. After the presentation, the interns proceeded to tour the plant. Chris explained the need for different bin sizes, showed them the drop-of site, introduced them to some workers and their roles in the recycling process, and last was the catwalk where they got to observe how the trash was converted into recyclables.
The interns mentioned that they now have a desire to recycle more and to encourage others to recycle. They also said they did not realize how complex recycling could be and have a greater appreciation for the process and the employees that work at the plant. They also learned the importance of recycling in saving the Earth and that a healthy Earth means a healthier environment.

At the end, not only did the interns have a great time but learned that one aspect of BALL is the preservation of the Earth by recycling and how each play a part in it. One of the foundation of their teaching this summer is the Bi-cultural Healthy Living. We wanted to showcase a Green Event that was practical and easy for the interns to understand.
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