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Campaign Materials

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Pan Asian Arts Alliance (PAAA)

The Collaborative team, under the direction of PAAA, strives to engage individuals and diverse communities in appreciation of Pan Asian Arts.  Since the team’s major goals are performing arts, social advocacy and community building, and each goal has its equal share; the team deems “education & inspiration” as important as the final events.

Since 2003, our collaborative team has worked together to create performing arts projects that reflect AAPI perspectives. Together we produced a brand new Asian American Musical – “The Story of the Temple Street” at the 2004 Fringe Festival, which portrayed an immigrant family’s struggle to make, ends meet, and the Asian teens’ frustrations in getting caught between cultures.  Then in the 2005 Fringe Festival – “Shanghai Extravaganza,” was another success, which reflected the Pan-Asian elders’ memories of homelands before migrating to the U.S.  Again, at the 2006 Fringe Festival we presented a Chinese Dance Musical – “Dragon Odyssey” Musical.  The peak was at the 2007 festival with a full audience cheering enthusiastically for MN Sunshine Dance performance – “Medusa’s Riddle: Fresh off the Boat”.  In 2009, 2010, and 2014, the collaborative was invited to perform at the “Shandong Int’l Youngsters’ Culture Festival.”  Since 2009, PAAA has hosted successful annual events – Pan Asian Arts Festival and Pan Asian Dance Festival, with great community support and participation.  Aside from professionals, community members (many were novice performers) were invited to participate in these productions.  The success of these performances greatly contributes to high level of professionalism among AAPI artists and the endless commitment from community members and youth.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]